I Was Told Ice Wouldn’t Melt In Heat 
HD video, sound, color; 4:05:03 - 2019

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To melt away into another time, a new form, another being. To exist between two opposing entities where life and death reside in dialogue, in motion. The work archives and studies this moment of change; it questions the existence of the present and mourns the loss of it.

Saudi Arabia is currently in a phase of resurrection, where a new vision of the country’s future has launched, Vision 2030. Translating what the country was to what it should be; a nation that is more ambitious, with a vibrant society and a thriving economy. This new vision has propelled the country into unimaginable speeds of change. Everything from the private to the public sector has been affect- ed by this vision, and the country as a whole is striving towards these new set goals. By questioning the complex process of change; what is lost and what is gained through its motion. We can begin to define the transparency of these ideological shifts occurring within the kingdom. Who is it for? And how does the nature of these imposed changes begin to define who we are as a nation?